Tuff – What Comes Around Goes Around Again (2012)

This spring, the glam-metal heroes Tuff and Shameless go into a joint tour of Europe. The first part of their tour will be a series of concerts in Belgium, France and Germany, after which the group will go to the concerts in Italy, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Switzerland!

Tuff released “What Comes Around Goes Around – Again” (RLS Records) in March 2012.A kind of remake released on Atlantic Records album, “What Comes Around Goes Around” (1991), was launched in the course of vocalist and bassist Stevie Rachel-founderTodd “Chace” Cheyssonom. The release of this disc will mark the 25th anniversary of Tuff (1987-2012) Rachel says: “I want the fans as soon as possible to hear it, and we’re goingto play as many concerts as none of us have seen for a decade! “.

In the tracklist of the new album will include well-known to all fans of tracks from debut album Tuff, as well as several songs, and are not included in it for the first time, including – the original eponymous title track “What Comes Around Goes Around” and the favorite of all the clubs in the glorious old days “Put Out Or Get Out”, a specially re-recorded from scratch for this release.

Good Guys Wear Black
The All New Generation
I Hate Kissing You Goodbye
So Many Seasons
What Comes Around Goes Around
Put Out Or Get Out
Round ‘Em Up
Summertime Goodbye
Want Trouble – You Got It
Down On Sinner Street
Forever Yours
Ain’t Worth A Dime
Move Along
So Many Seasons


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