EGO-Project – Puszta Ököllel (2012)

Tired of Iron Maiden turning into a progressive metal band? Longing for their old sound in new clothes? Willing to listen to an album sung in obscure language such as Hungarian? Feel like traveling, adventuring, going out with hot chicks?Then this is the album you need. This is how Iron Maiden would sound if they haven’t ventured into progmetal waters in past years (or even decades? Time really flies…). Very fine heavy (sometimes also power) metal made in Hungary, even though this is just a kind of side project of Kalapács and Wisdom members, and not a regular band. But I think these guys should definitely keep pushing this project on and on – I wish there would be more heavy metal bands as good as Ego (or Ego Project, as they also call themselves).Oh and by the way, you don’t need to be afraid of Hungarian language – this is a 2-disc album with the same content on both, but CD1 has Hungarian lyrics while CD2 has English lyrics. Really, this is how dedicated these guys are, trying to comfort all kinds of fans. It’s also a very tricky thing to do – they made me listen to the same album twice in a row, which is normally impossible even for the best of the my best albums. But I think I’ll be adding this one to my top 2010 list anyway, so it’s not like it was a wasted time. Check this out if you like some classic heavy metal.

01. Aréna
02. Tízperces bálvány
03. Csak a szív
04. Az utolsó ember
05. Legyen elég!
06. Csak ennyit tegyél
07. Megkopott zenész
08. Ne hazudozz!
09. A világ urai
10. Ego
11. Pár sör és pár barát
12. The Last One (angol verzió)
13. Enough Of That (angol verzió)
14. Used Musician (angol verzió)
15. Ego (angol verzió)



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