Starfire – The Way I Am (2013)

coverStarfire is the brainchild of Dairenn Lombard who hails from Los Angeles and has a vision for big production records in the style of the classic rock bands from yesteryear. Styx is probably a good starting point for similarity with the band’s sound. THE WAY I AM is the band’s second album, following 2010’s EYE OF THE STORM.

The album is well played with Lombard on vocals and guitar and fronting a handpicked band, all with a decent pedigree. The songs verge from ballads with strong almost classical piano overtones to raunchier numbers in the mid-tempo range. The guitars shine throughout and there are a lot of memorable solos – notably on ,,Cat Walk”, with a nice interplay with the piano. Stabbing string synths with an analogue keyboard solo introduces ,,Did You Know?” which is the most memorable track on the album with a very curious but catchy vocal. The Styx influence continues throughout with ,,The Angel”, which could easily sit on the PIECES OF EIGHT album with its galloping guitar riff and solo.

1. Circle of Misery (5:18)
2. Temptation (4:59)
3. Rock Your World (4:19)
4. Cat Walk (5:37)
5. Lip Service (5:58)
6. Did You Know (4:48)
7. The Angel (4:01)
8. Pass Away (5:02)
9. It’s You! (3:41)
10. The Way I Am (5:15)

On drums, Mr. Blake Paulson
On keyboard, Ms. Neara Russell
On bass, Mr. Andrew James
On guitar, Mr. Greg Pajer
Backing keyboard, backing guitar & vocals: Dairenn Lombard

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