Mostly Autumn – Dressed In Voices (2014)

After being voted Best Band of 2012 in the Classic Rock Society poll and following their Best Band – Best Live Act – Best Album (Go Well Diamond Heart) – Best Female Vocalist – Best Guitarist – Best Drummer awards in the Classic Rock Society 2011 poll,Mostly Autumn surely deserve to be called ‘The best band you have never heard’
Since forming back in 1996, Mostly Autumn have garnered themselves a name for their relentless touring schedule and outstanding live shows.

1. Saturday Night
2. Not Yours to Take
3. Running
4. See You
5. Home
6. First Day at School
7. Down by the River
8. Skin on Skin
9. The House on the Hill
10. The Last Day
11. Dressed in Voices
12. The Library
13. Footsteps
14. Box of Tears


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