Zarpa – Bestias Del Poder (2014)

The longest living spanish Heavy Metal band of Spain (active even before BARON ROJO) usually all 2-3 years has a new high class album on the market. But equally to their colleagues who were also active since the late 70s or early 80s also ZARPA had a distribution problem outside of Spain. In the meanwhile all their albums are released in CD-format, but only the half of them were available worldwide. For luck the new one “Bestias del poder” will be as easy to get as the four precedessors.

1. Alma inmortal
2. El reino de la verdad
3. En la batalla
4. No me dejes caer
5. Dentro de ti, dentro de mi
6. Jaque al rey
7. Dama de la oscuridad
8. Maquina del tiempo
9. Bestias del poder
10. Pecado mortal
11. Metal Bats
12. Sentado frente al espejo
13. Dioses del rock
14. Demoniocracia


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