Ossian – Léleker? (Lelekero) 2015

Ossian - Lelekero
Since November of last year, again working quartet lineup Ossian’s new album Soul Force is displayed at the beginning of April.

Paks Endre singer, guitarist Rick Rubcsics, Transylvania Krisztian bassist and drummer Gregory pirates made Ossian songs of the new album Törökbálint Supersize Recording recorded, as well as the last disc of the 2013 fire spirit. The Spirit Force disc recordings also directed Zoltan Varga, mixing new material is ongoing.

01. Hajt a szív
02. A Barát
03. Ahányszor látlak
04. Egyszer?en
05. Léleker?
06. Visszajövök
07. Hiába Szép
08. Születésnap
09. A Búcsú
10. Üzenet
11. Mind itt vagyunk


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