Space Probe Taurus – Mondo Satan 2015

Space Probe Taurus - Mondo Satan
The first staggering steps of the band that would evolve into SPACE PROBE TAURUS were taken by Boder (guitar) and Sundler (drums) sometimes during the summer/fall of 1992.

The band was named SNAKE MACHINE and the aim was to play some dirty rock music in the vein of early Monster Magnet and Mudhoney. Sjöberg joined the band sometime during the fall of 1992. The trio had played together earlier the same year, but they just couldn’t find their musical home (this was before the discovery of the sweet sounds of Mudhoney and Monster Magnet). Sjöberg and Boder also had a past together in the death metal band GOD MACABRE.

01. Scorpio Queen
02. Kill City Death Cult
03. Spahn Ranch Motherfucker
04. Make Me Bleed
05. Galaxy Travelin’ Blues
06. Superfuzzed
07. Mondo Satan
08. Dust Joint
09. The Iguana
10. The Righteous One


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