Architects Of Chaoz – League Of Shadows (2015)

1432873577_1Old mates – new band… – since more than ten years ex-Iron Maiden singer Paul Di’Anno performs his live shows in GAS area together with the German band The Phantomz. The group featuring ex-members of German prog formation Re-Vision and also the current guitarist of thrash heroes Perzonal War. Over the years the band and Paul became more than colleagues. And so it was only a question of time to decide to work on own material.

The new songs of the debut LEAGUE OF SHADOWS, written by the band completed with Paul Di’Anno lyrics, following the tradition of classic New Wave Of British Heavy Metal including influences of modern power metal. Classic Iron Maiden twin guitars and a powerful bass and drum backup. Crested by the unique voice of Paul Di’Anno which has become better and better over the years.

1. Rejected
2. How Many Times
3. Horsemen
4. Switched Off
5. Erase The World
6. Dead Eyes
7. Architects Of Chaoz
8. When Murder Comes To Town
9. Obsidian Black
10. Angel Of Death
11. Apache Falls
12. Soldiers Of Fortune

Paul Di’Anno – Vocals (ex-Battlezone, ex-Gogmagog, ex-Killers, ex-Di’Anno, Rockfellas, ex-Iron Maiden)
Joey Siedl – Guitars (Angels Cry, ex-Broken Glass, Cheeno, Shivertrip, ex-Autumnblaze, ex-Paragon of Beauty)
Dominik Nowitzki – Drums (Black Horizonz, ex-Re-Vision)
Andreas Ballnus – Guitars (Agrypnie, Perzonal War, Philosophobia)
Christoph Lücker – Bass

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