Hansel – 69 Minutes … with Hansel! 2015

Hansel  - 69 Minutes ... with Hanse
The June 15 release the Australian hard rock band Hansel his new album “69 Minutes … with Hansel!” and is a plate which will contain the following songs:

01. Murder 101
02. Mission To Rock
03. Shot Down For Love
04. Wildcat
05. I Don’t Need Saving (All I Need Is Rock ‘n’ Roll)
06. Eruption
07. Rock City
08. On The Run
09. Wild Tonight
10. Rocket-ship Of Love
11. Between A Rock And A Hard Place
12. Vampire
13. Murder 101
14. 1-800-Pleasure-town
15. The Whole Nine Yards
16. Hansel Says It’s Time To Rock
17. Fluorescent Blue Lights
18. Running On Adrenaline
19. Stop
20. Sweet Desperation

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