Witch Doctor – Witch Doctor 2015

Witch Doctorjpg
Thirty years ago St. Louis, MO band wITcH DOcToR would have been dubbed heavy metal giants. In today’s musical landscape hard rock* will have to do, however…..with an asterisk; *riff heavy, throwback rock with occasional swamp-punk overtones that walks a tightrope between all that is hard and all that has popular appeal. What you get is: wITcH DOcToR rock & roll. Combine that recipe with a live show that strikes quick and holds you down with VOLUME and ENERGY which in tuen fuels the vocal and stage bravado of a live-wire frontman………and a genre is born.

01. N.O.W.A.B.
02. Got No Use
03. Go For It
04. Harsh Mistress
05. One Life
06. Electric Lady
07. You’re My Dynamite
08. Modulator

Vocals: Paddy Lee Bling
Guitar, Bass: C.B.Walker
Drums: Ted Magos


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