Band: John Wesley
Album: John Wesley Music Sampler (2012) & Live Sampler (2006) & Thanksgiving Day (2008)
Style: Rock, Progressive Rock, Alternative Rock
Year: 2006, 2008, 2012
Bitrate: CBR 160 – 320 kbps
Archive: 101 Mb
Country: USA
Live Sampler (2006):
01. Desperation Angel (live acoustic)
02. Fly Boy (live acoustic)
03. An Ordinary Man (live acoustic)
04. Pretty Lives (live acoustic)
05. Crazy (live full-band)
06. Waiting for the Sun (live full-band)
Thanksgiving Day (2008):
01. Thanksgiving Day
John Wesley Music Sampler (2012):
01. Firelight (from ”the lilypad suite”)
02. Always Be (from ”Shiver”)
03. Please Come Back (from ”Shiver”)
04. Star (from ”Shiver”)
05. Fly Boy (from ”Chasing Monsters”)
Pass: music