Walter Pietsch – Once You Rock,Never Forget 2016

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Already with the first album “Kingdom Of The Night” his band AXXIS on which he was involved as one of the songwriter, guitarist and co-producer decisively, Walter Pietsch sold well over 100,000 units. This made “Kingdom of the Night” for “best-selling German rock debut of all time”.

Other successful albums followed until he left. Then he produced some newcomers and took over the position of Key Account Manager at a leading manufacturer of audio industry. But the love of the guitar and strong, distinctive songs was always maintained and now is his first solo album, “Once You Rock – Never Forget”, before. A statement that both carries in itself. Both the spirit of the early days, as well as the commitment to yourself Although he says of himself that he is not a singer, his voice characterizes the songs and gives them a sometimes unconventional blues. His guitar resists virtuoso antics and yet it dominates the message of the songs. A message which is about to make people strong, including themselves. With and against the tide.

1. Deep Inside
2. The Window
3. Once You Rock
4. Rule The World
5. Kill The Schwachsinn
6. Fire And Ice
7. Down In Broadway
8. Let The Music
9. Kingdom’s Sun
10. Let It Rain
11. Unheard
12. Epilogue

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