Creature – To Boldly Sleaze (2012)

First there was Kiss. Then there was Creature! Creature was managed by Bill Aucoin, the same manager who brought Kiss worldwide fame. One look at Creature and you will see a second attempt by Aucoin to recreate the magic that he brought forth with Kiss. Creature is a makeup wearing, sleazy hard rock band from underneath the streets of LA.

1. Intro
2. All Night Long
3. Take Me Shake Me
4. Too Late For Love
5. No Way Out
6. Can’t You See
7. When The Love Comes Down
8. Shock The World
9. Too Late For Love (version 2)
10. Jump Shout Scream It Out
11. Outro
12. I Want The World
13. Too Many Girls
14. She’s Got An Evil Kiss
15. Wicked Witch


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