Deamhorth – Spiritual Serpent (2018)

DeamHorth was founded early in 2017 with the intention of both Dean and Greg to create a platform where we would be able to express and showcase our passion for music, allowing us to share it with the world and welcome anyone that would want to collaborate or join us in this journey into music. We perform a wide range of metal genres from covers, rearrangements to original piece’s, and wanting to reach out to all artists and bands wanting to perform or collaborate with us.

01. Only The Sky Remains
02. MasterKey To The World
03. Spiritual Serpent
04. Particle Energy
05. Transcendence
06. Celestial Being
07. Paralysed Focus
08. Eternal Slumber
09. Horus Heresy (The Decent)
10. Horus Heresy (The Purge)

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