Easy Sleezy – Heroinme (2013)

I enjoyed the heaviness of this album and vocally the singer does branch out into some moodier pieces like the epic Guns At Your Door. It is a fast paced hard rock album with a looser sound that I prefer, but damn it if it doesn’t work.

1.Help (03:35)
2.Inside Standing Out (04:03)
3.Dead Man Walking (02:59)
4.What You’ve Become (03:45)
5.Re-Occurring Dreams (04:08)
6.What A Shame (02:56)
7.Colors (03:33)
8.Ritalin Baby (03:24)
9.So Look Out (03:46)
10.Guns At Your Door (07:37)
11.Scumbags & Angels (03:20)
12.Society High (03:06)


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