Strange Conversations – Teaching Me to Fish (2018)

Melodic progressive rock music without the filler. Two brothers…13 years and 1000 miles apart write, produce, and record a concept album based on Hemmingway’s Old Man and The Sea and our relationship with our father, who was a fisherman himself.

Probably lost a few of you already with the sheer geekiness of that sentence, but for those who chose to stick around, and happen to be fans of melodic rock music with some powerful but approachable ‘Prog’ leanings…

01. Lion
02. One in the Same
03. Old Man and the Sea
04. My Pride
05. Casting Away
06. Strange Conversations
07. Manolin
08. Remember, It’s September
09. Breathe Steady
10. Rinse
11. Time to Go Home
12. Sailing to Africa
13. These Woods

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