The Morning After – You Can’t Hurt Steel (Japanese Ed.) 2009

It’s not the first time that an attached promo sheet is screaming at me that this band will rock my socks off. This band is definitely the next big thing when it comes to metal. Especially when the vocalist states that they don’t write about love because that has been done to the death and the lyrics are about sci-fi and apocalypse fiction. Yeah, like that has never been done before. So I must say that I was a bit sceptic about this one beforehand.

2.Lost in Time
3.Hell and High Water
4.Glitter and Bombs
6.The Heart of the Young
8.Sometime After Dark
9.The Destroyer
10.You Can’t Hurt Steel
11.Gladiators *
12.Run With Us *
13.Sometime After Dark (Acoustic) *


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