Wasteland Valley – Pantheon (2018)

Trommis Espen Gotvasli moved in 2011 from a 10 year long stay in Oslo up to his hometown Steinkjer, and had to give up the struggle to continue with his then band Svigermord and Y3f. The idea of getting a new band on his new home soon became apparent, and he joined the guitarist Thomas Kvaløsæter to make the idea reality. Kvalosæter also played in the bands Madhouse and Zaed, and the time left continued to wait a while. After a period of searching for more people, the band finally started and met for the first time in November 2013. Then they had brought Jon Erling Ringstad on bass, also from Madhouse, and Christian Følstad on guitar.

01. The Temple of All Gods
02. Masquerade
03. Twister
04. Golden Opportunity
05. The Chamber
06. Reach for More
07. Take a Stand
08. No Place for a Queen
09. Remains to Be Seen
10. The End


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