Puppy – The Goat (2019)

The Goat’ – 12 tracks that successfully combine the left-field melodic turns of Weezer, the hazy fuzz of Smashing Pumpkins and the straight-to-the bone sonics of the Big Four of Thrash, the end result being a signature sound that hides a bloody, occult-esque heart beneath its festival-ready choruses.

With eight of the album’s 12 tracks produced by Neil Kennedy (Creeper, Boston Manor) and the remaining four by Tom Dalgety (Royal Blood, Ghost), ‘The Goat’ is a record that’ll inspire grins from even the most grizzled of metalheads and headbanging from the most hesitant of indie kids, dodging convention and pretension at every turn in favour of a fun-first approach. With video tracks ‘Black Hole’, ‘Demons’ & ‘Entombed’ all proudly featured, the latter pair in emboldened guise, ‘The Goat’ will be one of 2019’s finest guitar albums from one of the country’s most entrancing new bands.

1 Black Hole
2 Vengeance
3 Poor Me
4 Just Like You
5 And So I Burn…
6 Entombed
7 World Stands Still
8 Bathe In Blood
9 Nightwalker
10 I Feel An Evil
11 Handlebars
12 Demons


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