The second half of the great new album by Patrick Forgaz and comrades. It is not very clear, however, what this concert of 2010 has to do with the new studio, because only two songs coincide … Well, except that the composition is the same. But the disc itself is just fine!
L’Axe du Fou [Axis of Madness]
Feu Sacré [Fire int he Belly]
Soleil 12 [Sun Twelve]
Double Sens [Double Entendre]
Extralucide [Clairvoyant]
Eclipse [Eclipse]
Line up:
Benjamin Violet
Karolina Mlodecka: violin
Sebastien Trognon: flute, soprano saxophone, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone
Dimitri Alexaline: trumpet, flugelhorn
Igor Brover
Patrick Forgas: drums
Kengo Mochizuki: bass