“Under The Light” is the upcoming, awaited new album from Liverpool’s based REVIVAL BLACK, a band formed by young musicians signaled as the future of the classic hard rock genre. And after first listen the LP really live up with expectations. You’ll love this!

Between these guys there’s natural chemistry that you can’t invent in post-production or the editing suite. Over and above what you hear with the individual tracks, there is a unifying essence that breathes life, urgency and power into what you hear. It’s this essence that gives the album a clear character and will hook you on a first listen.
“Under The Light” is a great, genre-defining classic hard rock album from a band quite clearly at the height of their power as a unit, producing memorable songs that deserve to hit any stellar heights.

We’re stunned by this impressive (and profoundly and undeniably addictive) new album by Liverpool’s brightest young stars Revival Black. While many may have heard of the remarkable vocal talents of singer Dan Byrne, his bandmates are less well-known and talked about, and with this in mind what is perhaps more surprising how tight and slick the band is throughout this album of killer tracks.
The instrumental and lyrical both raising the bar for anyone who wants to even consider the New Wave banner. This is far more than a powerhouse vocal with a backing band but a meeting of brilliant young talent who add a vibrancy that can hopefully take the classic rock / hard rock sound a step further and help reignite some passion for the genre.

The album begins strong, from the irresistible chugging riff and velvety-smooth vocals of ‘Believe’ to the irrepressible sleazy, bluesy twang of ‘Take You Out’. ‘See You Again’ however, for me, is perfection. An uber cool and funky groove overlaid with soulful and impassioned vocals, huge bassline, and some incredible shredding on the side.
The immensely powerful ‘Broken Home’ sets the bar higher than most could achieve, glowing with intensity and inspiring a great depth of excitement as you realise just how good this album is.

Perhaps my track of the album (I can’t decide between 2) ‘Hemispheres’ features a stunning vocal performance by Byrne, following an acoustic opening, emotional and powerful, with a heavy-blues feel. The song is so atmospheric and reflective it gives goosebumps on top of goosebumps. There is some simply stunning guitar work which both hypnotizes and invigorates. Wow.

If you’ve heard Revival Black before you’ll recognize the dirty riffs and crisp, clean vocals instantly in ‘Under Fire’, and ‘Left of Me’ has even more blues style flavor and fervor with sweet, soulful vocals in the lead. By now, I don’t ever want this album to end. ‘Change My Mind’ is a rollercoaster of emotion, and the pace of ‘Wrong Side’ dynamic and the vocal so evocative it gut punches you.
The seductive vocals of ‘Hurricane’ draw me in and the song builds to a climactic chorus, the band fleshing out the track beautifully into a full balls to the wall rocker. Rich with complexity and intricacy, this is another favorite of mine and it blows me away with every play. A pace change and breathless lyrics leave me needing and expecting more and it does not disappoint.
This is how you close an album boys and girls. Sublime.

While production could be better (too much bright perhaps) you forget a possible issue with this simply because you keep captivated by the songs all the time.
Full of lush harmonies and poignant lyrics, embroidered with killer hooks and filthy riffs, a tapestry of silky, sensual vocals, this album doesn’t have the word ‘filler’ in its vocabulary.
This merely confirms rumors of greatness.

01. Believe
02. Take You Out
03. See You Again
04. Broken Home
05. Hemispheres
06. Under Fire
07. Left of Me
08. Change My Mind
09. Wrong Side
10. Hurricane

Band Members:
Dan Byrne – vocals, keyboards, acoustic guitar
Alan Rimmer – lead and acoustic guitars
Adam Kerbache – rhythm guitar
Jamie Hayward – bass
Ash Janes – drums



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