The Sensational Alex Harvey Band – 1976 – SAHB Stories (1993 Vertigo 514 416-2), FLAC

Genre: Hard Rock, Art Rock, Blues Rock, Glam Rock
Country of disc (release): Germany
Year of original release: 1976
Year of reissue: 1993
Publisher (label): Vertigo
Catalog number: 514 416-2
Country of artist (band): Scotland
Date / place of recording: at Basing Street Studios, London

1. Dance To Your Daddy (David Batchelor, S.A.H.B.)
2. Amos Moses (Jerry R. Hubbard)
3. Jungle Rubout (David Batchelor, S.A.H.B.)
4. Sirocco (Hugh McKenna)
5. Boston Tea Party (Alex Harvey, Hugh McKenna)
6. Sultan’s Choice (Alex Harvey, Zal Cleminson)
7. $25 For A Massage (Alex Harvey, Chris Glen, Zal Cleminson)
8. Dogs Of War (Alex Harvey, Hugh McKenna, Zal Cleminson)


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