Dagger – Fate Of A Violent World (1994) mp3 + lossless

Fate Of A Violent World is about hard rock, from a real band that knows what hard rock is all about. There’s no flannel or stupid haircuts or ridiculous goatee’s needed for Dagger to get their point across. They get their message across with slamming drums, great guitar riffs and soaring vocals. Fate Of A Violent World is the future of hard rock.

“I listen to a lot of music and every once in a while a band impresses the hell out of me. Dagger is such a band. This is one band with their chops together — this is no garage party band, this is serious rock and roll… — Rockin Ron, Rock 103, Panama City Beach

“Smooth hard rock is what comes to mind when listening to this 11-song CD. Each track comes across coherently and mathematical-sounding in structure, and almost every song has that chanting-80’s, Euro-style chorus… — The Music Paper

Straight out of New York, Dagger ignites the current scene with their debut album “Fate Of A Violent World.” Simply stated, this quartet has actual potential to give the rock world a good kick in the ass… — Queens College Quad


1.No Good Reason
2.Face to Face
3….But it’s Heavy
4.Radio City
5.Wait and See
6.Follow the Leaders
7.In Hell with Glory
8.I am what I am
9.Live it up
10.Change of Heart
11.It ain’t Supposed to be Pretty



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