Karbala War – Karbala War (2014) EP

MAD001_CD-TemplateKarbala is the project of promising Bolivian composer and musician Daniel Carbajal. In the works for better than six years, Carbajal offers his first EP, War, a short three songs of symphonic power metal. The production and recording production is of some interest, especially in this Internet age. Excepting a Bolivian drummer, Carbajal looked outside his country and online for his session players to complete the songs.

Carbajal likes to reference bands like Rhapsody of Fire and Secret Sphere when speaking of his music. Yet, for the two songs which have a symphonic layer, The Infereate and Roman AT War, the layer is not as lavish and devestating as Rhapsody can be. But it’s darn close. For both songs, the drums are quick and thundering, the keyboards bright and swirling about, yet with the guitar line more understated, giving way to the keyboards. The third song Land of Lies, is essentially nothing like the other two. It’s largely acoustic guitar and vocals, before that symphonic layer comes in. It does, however, have this annoying sound of somebody hitting a piece of wood in the late quarter of the song. Conversely, and not to dismiss his vocals on the first two songs, this song displays the character and depth of Nathan Nasby’s vocals. He’s a very good vocalist.

At this point, one wonders where Carbajal is going with his Karbala project. He put much time and effort into this, yet delivers only three songs, making this only a better than adequate introduction. More would have been better. Is he merely testing the waters? Or does he plan to dive in and make a serious go at full album? I’m hoping for the latter as War is promising start. Recommended.

01. The Inferate (Hell Inside)
02. Roman At War
03. Land of Lies

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