Tony Solo – Las Faces De La Luna (2011)

FrontTony, the voice of the legendary Blue Blood, returned to the fore in the hands of the creators of “Poe: Legacy of a Tragedy” and it seems that this new experience reawakened in him the itch to make music. Is still young 201 has the honor to receive “Phases of the Moon”, the new album by vocalist; his first work since that legendary “THE Silent Night”. With many former Blue Bloods, with Arias brothers and many more guests, Tony presents a pure hard disk eighties rock, with the dose of melody and just point macarrería that have always characterized the compositions of the singer.

The presence, among others, Juan Melero guitars makes us feel at times as if the coveted Blue Blood meeting came true (A dream that, according to Tony, will never come true). The album kicks off with “United Forever”, a direct and catchy cut is uncovered as a statement of intent and a statute of how they have been years in the shade and representing a return to the studio to Tony. “Harder and stronger” little can be added to this post. Musically, the highlight is the impeccable vocal Tony state, the great work on keyboards and outstanding guitar work.

[spoiler]The beginning of “Doomsday” takes us quickly to a certain air cutting “Body To Body” and that great theme “You’re Nobody ‘. In a letter and a melody macarrería and quite as catchy as always hides an interesting and fairly direct social criticism. A markedly beginning rocker presents the third cut, “Better than No” is a classic theme in its infancy, more rock, which is gaining melody as it moves to evolve in a cut whose signature is quite evident. However, it is an issue that’s hard to remember not to be little catchy, but because the following will completely overshadows “Phases of the Moon” which gives this album is one of the best works of plastic. It is a well-crafted, catchy theme with a great chorus and an outstanding bridge. Tony is very safe and fit and the instrumental section achieves its full potential over five and a half minutes that lasts this song.

“Thee” and “Raining Again” give the album its most sensitive touch from two completely different angles and also two very different styles. The first, from hope and as one of the toughest tracks on the album (with some influence of “A Matter Of Life And Death” by Iron Maiden in the opening riff) and the second as a means gloomy weather with soul ballad.

“El Malo Tale” puts us all macarrería cane and the disc showed in his first songs, with an appropriate dose of social criticism included. It is from this issue when the LP seems to lose some revolutions and away from the pristine line that was following. I finished in this topic we could be talking about an absolutely outstanding album, however you have to tell it like it is and although for sentimental reasons I’d like to give this album the maximum score, the latest cuts, I think, do not keep the magnificent the first standard.

“Going To Nowhere”, “No Se” or “They” are presented as good topics that follow traditional structures and roads in the style of Tony. Offer no boasting or surprised, but still very good songs despite being somewhat below the first cuts of this disc. With “Animal Instinct” themed charge of closing this work is recovered in good part the feeling of the first songs and the band gets to introduce an interesting topic from start to finish, very suitable for direct and very effective in study, somewhat remote of the most classic Tony standards while maintaining the touch of identity as well reflected in this work.

It is a pity that the meeting Blue Blood is an impossible dream, because it believes that could offer us great things. However the return of Tony the music business is great news, I hope, bring us great moments live and study in the near future. Definitely a great album that will delight all fans of the genre and melancholy Blue Blood.[/spoiler]

PARTNERSHIPS “Sherpa” Duet in 11 Luis Santurde: Drums in 10 Julio Diaz: Choral 1.2 and 8 Juanjo Melero: Guitar Solos 2 Carlos Raya: Guitar Solos in 9 Augusto Hernandez: Choirs in 1, 2, 3 , 5, 7, 8 and 9 Alberto Fernández: Hammond Organ in 7 “Josito guy”: Phrase introduction 7

01 – Unidos Para Siempre
02 – Juicio Final
03 – Mejor Que Nadie
04 – Las Fases De La Luna
05 – A Ti
06 – Llueve Otra Vez
07 – El Malo Del Cuento
08 – Rumbo A Ningún Lugar
09 – No Sé
10 – Dicen
11 – Instinto Animal

Password: Plotn08


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