Overhead – Of Sun And Moon (2012)

Man or woman should thoroughly before hearing this unusual album before “ish spectacles” ever – and with the blue and red lenses – otherwise they would miss the huge run-up in 3-D images of the cover overhead “Of Sun And Moon” design. A bit of thinking along the Finns put it ahead of course, for not a hint or tip or a 3-D glasses in this regard is to be found in / on the album. But yes OVERHEAD listeners have always been a bit brighter and wider than the mass of mainstream music consumers. And who would have perhaps been overlooked, despite my assertion that little detail but which must necessarily fall once the glasses before reading any further here. Because all of a sudden it opens up so many (bad) dream landscapes in their sculptural beauty, to be pulling in their immediate visual spell. (Anyone from here really should not read on, who wants to look and we recommend that the “Important PS” at the end of criticism!)

01. Lost Inside pt. 2
02. Berlin
03. An Afternoon of Sun and Moon
04. Aftermath
05. Syriana
06. Grotte
07. Last Broadcast
08. Alive
09. Angels and Demons

Download deposite rapidgator

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