Cat O’ Nine Tails – Dark Waters (2018)

Cat O’ Nine Tails – the first Christian pirate metal band – rises from the coasts of Finland. The birth of this four-piece pirate crew dates back to 2012 when bassist Tuomas Kannisto (also known for the band HB) and guitarist Samuel Savander started to write music with this very unique twist. The crew needed a captain and thus a versatile vocalist Janne Heiskanen joined the band. The rhythm section was flogged by Lauri Tuomenoksa who then abandoned the ship and was replaced by Eetu Pesu in 2016.

1.Dark Waters
2.Rekindle The Flame
3.Ship Damage
4.Black Sails
5.Davy Jones’ Locker
7.Gone With The Wind
8.Dead In The Water
9.Fire Burned Up


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