Álomút – Mennyei nézeteltérés [Digipak Digital] 2020

Good MHR! The band was founded in 2010 by Attila Szilágyi, with the exception of the drummer in the same line-up. With high hopes, a short but more fruitful joyful music was the result of the action, in the framework of which a demo record was made, but in the end the members continued their activities in various bands. György Sinka (drummer, H-599), Ferenc Szabó (bass guitar, H-599) Levente Ráduly (vocals, Scythia), Richard Richard (keyboard, Scythia) and Attila Szilágyi (guitar, Healthy Scalp) continued their work in 2019 , this resulted in the “Heavenly Disagreement” record.

01. Lét
02. Álomút
03. Itt Maradtam
04. Mennyei Nézeteltérés
05. Kismadárka
06. MyTube
07. Kettő
08. Tékozló
09. Lélekajtó
10. Táltos
11. Kétpó himnusz


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