Mocwen – Low End Of The Bottom 2023

After releasing the 2003 “Let it Out” album and our drummer Robert Hannah deciding he didn’t want to tour anymore, my hard rock band stopped touring for a while. Really hard to replace a drummer that awesome. Especially in Arkansas. But we moved on. Everyone in the band started doing their own thing. I was already writing and playing several different bands and genres. But always doing hard rock.

I started playing most or a lot of times all of the instruments on my albums. And in the mid to late 2000s, I had another hard rock album ready. Or what I called “Hillbilly Metal & Whiskey Rock N Roll”!
Robert still played drums on (It’s Right, This Time, You Said, and Don’t Wake Me) but I played everything else.

01 – Rise to the Top.mp3
02 – Another Day.mp3
03 – 80 Proof.mp3
04 – Make My Mind Up.mp3
05 – Devil Horns Up.mp3
06 – Enough.mp3
07 – I Have Been Wrong Before.mp3
08 – Fire (AP).mp3
09 – Low End Of The Bottom.mp3
10 – GFY.mp3


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