Antechaos – Dystopies 2024

Antechaos is a modern Hard Rock band founded in 2020. The first album “Apocalypse” was released in 2022 with excellent reviews (appearance in several annual top albums). After many notable concerts with the tenors of the genre (Sidilarsen, Black Bomb A, Cachemire, Dagoba…) the group will release its second album “Dystopies” next September.

01 – Memento Mori.mp3
02 – Renaissance.mp3
03 – Métavers.mp3
04 – Rédemption.mp3
05 – In Vivo.mp3
06 – Delta Zone A.mp3
07 – Dystopie.mp3
08 – Les Vertueux.mp3
09 – J&H.mp3
10 – Mission Sirius.mp3
11 – Le Siècle des Lumières.mp3
12 – Héros.mp3
13 – Cadavre Exquis.mp3


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