Genre: Rock, Hard Rock, Manserock, Pub Rock
Year of publication: 1980-2021
Country of the artist (group): Finland (Tampere)
1980 Raswaa koneeseen [37:37] (Grease to the Machine)
1981 Hullut koirat [38:52] (Mad Dogs)
1982 Mustat enkelit [34:11] (Black Angels)
1983 Kaasua… [33:12] (Gas…)
1984 Harasoo [32:55]
1985 Pohjantähden alla [38:20] (Under the North Star)
1988 Hallelujaa (Remastered) 2013 [58:47] (Hallelujah)
1992 Svoboda [48:08] (Freedom)
2001 Just! [49:50] (Right!)
2005 Häkää! [53:34] (Carbon Monoxide!)
2008 Täydelliset miehet [46:59] (Perfect Men)
2011 Voitto [51:34] (Victory)
2017 Haista…Popeda [42:44] (Smell…Popeda)
2008 Elän itselleni [16:04]
1995 Live at the BBC [46:08]
1986 15 GT Golden Turpo [50:19]
1993 Peetlehemin Pesaveikot (Nopein Saa) [1:14:08] (Nest brothers of Betlehem (Fastest Gets))
1997 Hittejä, Kersantti Karoliina [1:06:26] (Hits, Sergeant Karoliina!)
2007 30-Vuotinen Sota (1977-2007) [1:14:17] (30 Year War 1977–2007)
2013 Museorekisterissä – Karvanopat ja Wunderbaum (2CD) (Registered Historic Vehicle – Fuzzy dices and Wunderbaum)
2007 Erkki & Leena [5:59]
2007 Hei Mies [3:56]
2007 Huummetta [5:51]
2007 Mörri Möykky [3:52]
2007 Suuret Setelit [5:25]
2008 Kuutamohullu [8:04]
2016 Onko Saunan Takana Tilaa? [3:30]
2021 Shal-la-la [5:38]