The Bulldozer band since 1994, taking part in the Hungarian music life. Founder of Demeter György, who, in the XL. Sisters following its dissolution, was brought to life by the group. Clubs, festivals, village fete time is often to be found in the events offered! Two albums appeared in the “Slow and steady” it’s practically the second you XL.
Album and “The last song” is c disc. Current lineup Demeter György singing, Mátyási Roland guitar Lükő Denis bass, Koszta Jani drums, Zámbó Ps keyboards. Melodic vocal sound of its own song with the classic rock music represent!
1.Időn És Álmokon Túl
2.Jeltelen Világ
3.Éjféli Keringő
4.Szóltak A Vének
6.Tűzben Égve
8.Keresem Titkod
9.Nézz Az Égre