Monocle – Clean Slate (2016) EP

FrontForming in the later months of 2010; Monocle opted for the ladder of success with their unique style and new sound. Instead of giving an assignment as to what Monocle should sound like, the band decided to experiment to see what comes out; and what came out was their attitude.

After the sound was established, the four piece took their time searching through archives of previous projects and influences to see how they could better their talent as musicians and music as a whole. Now there is only one thing on their agenda… Leave no set of ears behind!!!

1. The Man Who Gave It All
2. The Scream
3. Retrib

No-One’s Project – Warning 2016

1464486536_frontArtist: No-One’s Project
Album: Warning
Year: 2016
Genre: Modern Hard Rock
Country: Italy

01. The Unify Express
02. Invasor Ballad (The Fallen Mask)
03. You Are in Teatro
04. Fly Under the Moon When Midnight Rises
05. Teens Today
06. What Can Save Us Now
07. Melody of Summer Dreams
08. Lords of War
09. The Richest Man of the C-Metery
10. Cobra Melody
11. Warning
12. Goodnight Future

Valerio Bellin