The debut album of one of the participants of Dutch
Category: Progressive Rock
Progressive rock, also known as prog rock or prog, is a rock music subgenre that originated in the United Kingdom, with further developments in Germany, Italy, and France, throughout the mid-to-late 1960s and 1970s. It developed from psychedelic rock and originated, similarly to art rock, as an attempt to give greater artistic weight and credibility to rock music.
Steamforged – The Endless (2014)
The Endless is an almighty creature of infinite power, of
Agitation Free – River Of Return (1999) Lossless
???????????: Agitation Free ??????: River Of Return ??????: Germany ???
Cormorano – Giro Tondo (Giro) Fuori Scena (2000)
???????????: Cormorano ??????: Giro Tondo (Giro) Fuori Scena ????: Rock
Il Babau E I Maledetti Cretini – Dio Dio Mio, Che Cosa Abbiamo Fatto (2003)
???????????: Il Babau E I Maledetti Cretini ??????: Dio Dio
Pekka Pohjola – Pewit (1997) Lossless
???????????: Pekka Pohjola ??????: Pewit ??????: Finland ????: Fusion/Progressive Rock
Argent – In Deep (1973)
Band: Argent Album: In Deep Style: Progressive Rock / Art-Rock
Gallery – Jas Gripen (2007)
Band: Gallery Album: Jas Gripen Style: Progressive Rock Year: 2007
Renaissance – Symphony Of Light (2014) mp3 + lossless
Renaissance have secured a distribution deal with Red River Entertainment,
Osibisa – OseeYee (2009)
Band: Osibisa Album: OseeYee Style: Progressive Rock / Folk /
Twin Age – Month Of The Year (1996)
Band: Twin Age Album: Month Of The Year Style: Neo-Progressive
Carpe Diem – Cueille Le Jour (1976)
Band: Carpe Diem Album: Cueille Le Jour Style: Symphonic Prog
Adventure – Caught In The Web 2014
Artist: Adventure Title Of Album: Caught In The Web Year
YES – Heaven & Earth (2014) mp3 + Japan Ed. Losssless
The band announced that their new album will be called
Minor Giant – On the Road 2014 lossless
Very Good Debut Work In 2010 Rindert Lammers at the
Albion – Albion (1995)
Band: Albion Album: Albion Style: Neo-Prog Rock Year: 1995 Bitrate: