Band Crystal Palace Info: Pure Info: Germany Style: Neo Prog/Acoustic
Category: Progressive Rock
Progressive rock, also known as prog rock or prog, is a rock music subgenre that originated in the United Kingdom, with further developments in Germany, Italy, and France, throughout the mid-to-late 1960s and 1970s. It developed from psychedelic rock and originated, similarly to art rock, as an attempt to give greater artistic weight and credibility to rock music.
Crystal Palace – On The Edge Of The World (1995) Lossless
Band Crystal Palace Info: On The Edge Of The World
Voyager – V 2014
On June 3 releases the progressive rock band Voyager’s fifth
Dug Pinnick – Naked (2013) Lossless
Band Dug Pinnick (ex-King’s X) Info: Naked Info: USA Style:
Mostly Autumn – Dressed In Voices (2014)
UK After being voted Best Band of 2012 in the
Jose Cid – 10000 Anos Depois Entre Venus E Marte (1978)
Band Jose Cid Info: 10000 Anos Depois Entre Venus E
Brave New World – Monsters (2001)
Band Brave New World Info: Monsters Style: Melodic Hard Rock
New Trolls – Concerto Grosso – The Seven Seasons (2007)
Band New Trolls Info: Concerto Grosso – The Seven Seasons
Wanka – The Orange Album (1977)
Band Wanka Info: The Orange Album Style: Progressive Hard Rock
Sub – In Concert (1970)
Band Sub Info: In Concert Style: Progressive Rock Years: 1970
Petrus Castrus – Ascencao E Queda (1976)
Band: Petrus Castrus Album: Ascencao e Queda Style: Symphonic Progressive
Iron Attack! – Scarlet Furor (2014)
Band Iron Attack! Info: Scarlet Furor Years: 2014 Style: Heavy
Nightingale – Nightfall Overture (2005)
Band Nightingale Info: Nightfall Overture Style: Melodic Progressive Metal Years:
Pierpaolo Bibbo – Diapason (1980)
Band: Pierpaolo Bibbo Album: Diapason Style: Progressive Rock Year: 1980
Beyond Perception – Anthem For The Wasted (2014)
Turkey Vulture/Bungalo Records/Universal Music Group Distribution (USA) / upcoming album
Agamemnon – Agamemnon Part I & II (1980)
Band Agamemnon Info: Agamemnon Part I & II Style: Art