Genre: Thrash metal
Release year of the disc: 2009
Disc manufacturer: USA
No Stranger To Danger (1986)
1. Dreams Die Hard
2. I’ve Got Time
3. Town to Town
4. Backbreaker
5. Stand Alone
6. Spared from the Fire
7. Off the Deep End
8. Tonight Alive
9. Wrecking Machine
10. Leatherface
11. Erased (bonus)
12. Prelude (bonus)
Know Your Enemy (1987)
1. Demolition
2. Last Breath
3. Euroshima
4. Most Dangerous Game
5. Shot to Hell
6. Say Goodbye M.F.
7. Self Destruct
8. Means to an End
9. I’m Electric
10. Mad Ax Attack
11. Shit’s Ugly
Annihilation Principle (1989)
1.Fire in the Hole
2. Mo