Ruff Justice – Wings Of Desire (2012)


huge gratitude }{eavy

Retrospect digs into the vaults again and comes up with another unreleased treasure from Dallas-based RUFF JUSTICE.  This is their debut from the early 90s and while it may not be as polished as the follow-up ‘No Justice No Peace’ , it’s still a quality slice of 80s-style Melodic Metal…

  Featuring soaring vocals , shredding solos and an almost NWOBHM vibe , ‘Wings of Desire’ will sit nicely in your collection….and I know how many 80s Metal collectors are still out there!

1. Just Us
2. Rock Of Love
3. Fall In Line
4.Mother Freedom
5. Know Where To Run
6. Can’t Get Enough Of You
7. Wings Of Desire
8. Give’em Hell rapida

filefactory the link from }{eavy