VICE – NA NA NAUGHTY 2015 mp3 + lossless

Vice_-_Na_Na_Naughty_Med_Cover_largeThank you Zimm…
You asked and the Metal Gods have answered again!! This was to be the official major label debut album from VICE (which has never been released in any capacity) – with the help of lead vocalist Billy Ian, Demon Doll Records and Metal Legacy Records, the time has come for that pure Hair Metal magic to see the light of day with the unleashing of ‘Na Na Naughty’.

1. Na Na Naughty
2. Too Young For Love
3. Feeling Lonely…No More
4. Heartbreak Hotel
5. Love Pulls The Trigger
6. Hot…Just Looking At You
7. Mainline Addiction
8. Please Me, Tease Me
9. Tip Of My Tongue
10. All I Ever Wanted
11. Only The Strong
12. Don’t Run Away

Billy Ian lead vocals
Bryan Allen bass
Gary Smith keyboards
Jim Michaels guitars
Jeff Field drums

Password: Plotn08


Links from Zimm Flac



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