After nearly 40 concerts in one year throughout Catalonia presenting the album “Rockferatu” format electrical and finishing revolves LEGENDS OF ROCK, sabbatical and one year composing new songs for the new album, we can finally say that the disc the Guardians of the Bridge 2013 “Holy of Holies” is now rolling across the country.
01. Obertura ¨Nord Enllà¨
02. Perseguint Somnis
03. La Bruixa del Nord
04. La Llavor de la Mort
05. Almogàvers
06. L’Oblit
07. La Guerra dels Déus
08. Caminant en Cercles
09. Hiperbòria (Paradís Ocult)
10. Condemnada
11. Promeses al Vent
12. El Llarg Camí
13. Guardians
14. Desigs Secrets