Manimal – Purgatorio 2018

Blessed with such diverse talents, it’s hardly surprising that Manimal took the most important studio parameters into their own hands again during the production of “Purgatorio”. “Just like our previous two albums, we produced this one ourselves. Mainly because we like to have full control of the production. We’re control freaks to the bone and the thought of putting our creations into the hands of an external producer simply scares us,” Nyman confesses. However, they took renowned support on board for some aspects: The drums were recorded by Jakob Herrmann (Anthrax, Europe, Machine Head, Evergrey) at the Top Floor Studios, the album was mastered by Tony Lindgren at Jens Bogren`s famous Fascination Street Studios, and the cover artwork was designed by Claudio Bergamin (Judas Priest). So Purgatorio impresses in every respect, from the first note of the opener ‘Black Plague’ to the final sound of the last track, ‘The Fear Within’. The title song and ‘Edge Of Darkness’ see the band present their typical mélange of haunting melodies, classy grooves and that latent melancholia that is one of their typical trademarks. On the other hand there are a number of tracks which are unusual for Manimal, such as ‘Denial’ featuring a riff that brings Rammstein to mind and ‘Spreading The Dread’ with its remarkable rhythm.

Remains only one question to be answered: Why did Manimal decide on an Italian title? Nyman: “First, it’s the title of one of the strongest songs of the album. Second, it’s a powerful word that fits perfectly as the title of a metal album in general and this recording in particular. For me, it reflects the state of mankind and the world today – the general, ongoing decay which we seem to lack the ability to stop. Many of the lyrics on the album circle around that kind of theme. “Purgatorio” is also the original title of the second part of great Dante Alighieri’s masterpiece ‘The Divine Comedy’. It’s not the first time that we’ve found inspiration in that specific work of literature.”

1. Black Plague
2. Purgatorio
3. Manimalized
4. Spreading The Dread
5. Traitor
6. Behind Enemy Lines
7. Denial
8. Edge Of Darkness
9. The Fear Within


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