Marcus Wilsson – Fem Tjugoett (2019)

Sweden Marcus Wilsson is 27 years old and starts from Falköping.He has been doing music all his life and has played in several different bands over the years. But started as a troubadour in October 2016 and in 2017 made over 100 (!) Gigs.

So now he takes the step and will do this full time, in order to be able to play every day of the week.

01. Fem tjugoett
02. Sexuella vibrationer (feat. Moa Blücher)
03. För feg för att lyckas
04. Du och jag
05. Tro, hopp och tvivel
06. Varannan söndagskväll (feat. Moa Blücher)
07. Barstolsblues
08. Vet vad jag vill
09. Försent
10. Möt mig i Plantis ikväll


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