Warpath – Disharmonic Revelations 2022 + 2 bonus

When metal band WARPATH wowed their fanbase with a brand new track called “Innocence Lost” in 2020, they had both critics and fans wanting more. Fast forward to 2022: WARPATH are back with their seventh new studio album “Disharmonic Revelations“; an unrelenting album, and the first to feature a two-guitar wall-of-sound attack!

A much more mature songwriting approach meets heavy riffs, relentless but precise drumming and a crystal clear yet ultra-heavy production by Jörg Uken (Soundlodge). Above all this is enthroned singer Dirk Weiß, who has improved his voice tremendously this time! Its range is impressive, ranging from guttural growls to relentless screams to harmonious vocals. WARPATH will definitely up the ante in 2022!

“Disharmonic Revelations” is a musical roller coaster ride at its best, but also at its heaviest. Songs like “Vision And Reality” or “MMXX” are hypnotic, slow pounders that are replaced by pounding thrashers like “Parasite”, “The Last One” or “Resurrection”. Psychedelic, almost post-rock moments unfold in “Decisions Fall” or “The Unpredictable Past” before breakneck, fast-paced blastbeats interrupt the beauty of the moment… you never know what’s lurking around the next corner. WARPATH 2022 is different, even harder, meaner and darker than ever before! Brutal thrash metal meets death metal meets N.Y. Hardcore meets post-rock meets progressive meets noise/wave meets avant-garde.

WARPATH are back… and stronger than ever!

01 The Last One
02 Disharmonic Revelations
03 Parasite
04 A Part Of My Identity
05 Visions And Reality
06 Scars
07 Egos Aspire
08 Mmxx
09 Resurrection
10 Decisions Fall
11 Digitized World
12 The Unpredictable Past
13I nnocence Lost (bonus Track)
14 Mmxx (alternative Version) (bonus Track)

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