Full House Brew – Crew Bare Knuckle 2020

Anyone who immediately thinks of a proper bar fight when hearing the name FULL HOUSE BREW CREW and an album title like “Bare Knuckle” is … completely wrong. The band is an absolute groove-metal feat undacting on a perfectly balanced path of pure heaviness and melody. FULL HOUSE BREW CREW have long since developed their own handwriting and are correspondingly self-confident on “Bare Knuckle”. The groove goes straight to the limbs, the riffs grind into your head and the melodies make for such a powerful catchy tune.

01 Cult Of Misery
02 Unforgiving Land
03 Bare Knuckle
04 Servant Of Despair
05 Buried Hope
06 Black Flag
07 Nail In You
08 Breaking New Ground
09 Shuffled Deck
10 Draw From The Bottom

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